1. GoldloG — explanatory pages
1 - abbreviations & name details

File: ‎Goldlog.Abbreviations&Placements.‎1
2. “The family Tree Collection,” Akevoth, Jewish Genealogical research in the Netherlands, Website,
3. “Ashkenazi Amsterdam in the 18th century,” Akevoth, Jewish Genealogical research in the Netherlands, Website,
4. “Matsewa, Joodse begraafplaatsen Geervliet en Zuidland,” Riet de Leeuw van Weenen-van der Hoek, (ISBN 90-9011494-7).
5. “Een Kille in de Mediene, Zuidland,” Riet de Leeuw van Weenen-van der Hoek, (ISBN 90-9006305-6).
6. “De Begraafboeken van Muiderberg 1669-1811,” Jits van Straten, (ISBN 90-803244-4-2).
The Burial Books of Muiderberg 1669-1811
7. “Stambomen van Nederlandse Joodse families,” Max van Dam, Website,
8. “Het Joodse Verleden van Oud-Beijerland,” Alie van den Berg, Historische Vereniging Oud-Beijerland -- 2008.
[attention: not all genealogical data in this book are correct]
9. “Joods Leven in Maassluis, 1688-1942,” mw drs E Banki & LM van der Hoeven, (ISBN: 90-803236-2-4).
10. “Roermondse Geslachten,” E M A H Delhouge.
11. “Hijmans in Joods Den Haag,” I.B. van Creveld, published by the author, 1992.
12. “Joods Leven in Brabant, Deel I, Historisch Overzicht,” Jan Bader, redactie: Joël Cahen & Anton van de Sande, (ISBN 90-72526-33-3).
13. “Joods Leven in Brabant, Deel II, Joden in een katholiek bolwerk,” Paul van Dun, Joël Cahen & Anton van de Sande, (ISBN 90-72526-33-3).
14. “Joods Leven in Dordrecht,” Mieke Jansen e.a., Gemeentelijke Archiefdienst Dordrecht, 1988, nr 9.
15. “Joden in Dordrecht,” André den Haan, website.
16. “De Nakomelingen van Eljakoem Getschlik,” Piet Sanders, Joods Rotterdam, jaargang 1 (2010) , Volumes 1,2,3,4.
17. “Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811,” Jits van Straten.
18. “The three Circumcision Registries of the Mohelim Kisch,” Ze’ev Bar & Ury Link, Akevoth, Jewish Genealogical research in the Netherlands, website.
19. “De Joodse Familie Wertheim,” G.T.A. Schampers, Brabants Leeuw (1997), vol 2.
20. “Joodse Families Gouda,” Groene Hart Archieven, website.
21. “Mozes Goldsmit: Stichter van de Joodse Gemeente Groningen,” James Bennet, in “Misjpoge” jaargang 8, quarterly publication, Netherlands Society for Jewish Genealogy (NkvJG), 1995 - 1 & 2, pp. 89-95, 113-122.
see also: “the James Bennett Collection” — the Leo Baeck Intitute (website)
22. “Besneden en Begraven, Vijf Eeuwen Joden in Tiel en het Gelders Rivierengebied,” Jakob Becker, Stichting Onderzoek Joods Verleden in Tiel, 1992.
23. “Memoirs of Glückel of Hameln ,” Glikl Hamel, translated by Marvin Lowenthal, 1977 -- (ISBN 0805205721).
Nederlandse vertaling: Mira Rafalowicz, “De memoires van Glikl Hamel”, 1987 — (ISBN 9063281900)
24. “Der jüdische Hoffaktor Samuel Goldschmidt und seine Familie in Lemgo 1670-1750,” Klaus Pohlmann, publication of Panu Derech 15; Lippe.
25. “Die Familie Gomperz,” David Kaufmann & Max Freudenthal.
26. “Die jüdische Gemeinde von Frankfurt in der frühen Neuzeit,” Cilli Kasper-Holtkotte, De Gruyter, 2010, (ISBN 978-3-11-023157).
27. “Ele Toldot, ‏אלה תלדות‏‎, Verzeichnis aller Frankfurter Juden [ET],” Shlomo Ettlinger, mit Personalangaben (Maschinenschriftliches Manuskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen), ’Digital collections from the Leo Baeck Institute’ -- 1947ff., website,
quoted and referred to in many person entries with the abbreviation: ET
Burial records of the Jewish community of Frankfurt am Main, 1241-1824 — web site: Ele Toldot (These are the Generations) is a collection of transcriptions of genealogical records of the Jewish community of Frankfurt am Main, made by the lawyer and genealogist Shlomo Ettlinger from originals in the Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main. The material is divided into three parts, containing lists of the Jews of Frankfurt by date of death, along with biographical information; men by surname; women by first name; and supplementary lists of baptized Jews and miscellaneous data (Bound photocopies) —
28. “Stammbuch der Frankfurter Juden,” Alexander Dietz, 1907.
Geschichtliche Mitteilungen über die Frankfurter Jüdischen Familien von 1349-1849, nebst einem Plane der Judengasse.
[NB: over the years since publication many genealogic details have turned out te be not correct; nevertheless an important source]
29. “Awne sikaron. Die Inschriften des alten Friedhofs FF [Ho],” Dr Markus Horovitz , Frankfurt a.M. J. Kaufmann 1901 .
refered to in many person entries with the abbreviation: Ho
The inscripted texts on the Tombstones of the old cemetery of the jewish community of Frankurt a M.
30. “Epidat - The Database of Jewish epigraphy,” Das Steinheim Institut (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Dan Z. Bondy c.s., website,
survey and detailed inventary of jewish cemeteries in Germany —
a.o. Jüdischer Friedhof Frankfurt am Main, Battonnstraße (1272-1828 / 3875 Einträge)
referred to in many person entries with:
— where a Tombstone is inventoried, the cemetery is mentioned with the Epidat code-number [for instance: (ffb-508), (hha-3269),(wrm-1268) or (kre-370), in Frankurt, Hamburg,Worms or Krefeld]
31. “Geschichte der Juden in Nürnberg 1146-1945,” Arnd Müller, Selbstverlag der Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, 1968, 1. Teil, p 60/61, 82/83, 321.
32. “Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt A.M. (1150-1824),” I. Kracauer, 2 tomes, 1925 and 1927, I. Kauffmann Verlag FF.
33. “Samuel Oppenheimer und Sein Kreis,” dr Max Grunwald, (Ein Kapitel aus der Finanzgeschichte Österreichs), published by Wilhelm Braumüller, Wien und Leipzig, 1913.
34. “Ansiedlung, Leben und Schicksale der Juden in Schaffhausen ,” H. W. Harder , (published 1863).
35. “Goldschmidt/Goldsmid [Families] & Op zoek naar joodse voorouders in Duitsland (3),” Jona Schellekens and James Bennett, in “Misjpoge” jaargang 22, quarterly publication, Netherlands Society for Jewish Genealogy (NkvJG), 22 -- 2009 - 1 , p. 20-28.
NB: earlier (2002) by the same authors on a no longer existing website, in particular about the descendants of Simon Benedikt Goldschmidt.
36. “Judische Trauungen in Berlin 1759 bis 1813,” Jacob Jacobson, Walter de Gruyter.
37. “Judische Grabststätten in Hessen,” Landesgeschichtliches Informationsystem, website,
38. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland: II. ,” Leopold Löwenstein, Nathanael Weil, J Kauffmann, 1895, 2.
39. “the Berthold Rosenthal Collection -- exchange of letters,” Berthold Rosenthal with diverse correspondents , (mostly letters dd 1933-1940 and 1955-1956), Leo Back Insttute, microfilm -- 1185 pages, website,
a.o. between Berthold Rosentahl and Fritz/Shlomo Ettlinger during the years 1936-1939 - page 470-241 — also: after WW2 while living in the USA, Nebraska - page 982-688
40. “Dokumentation zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in Schwaben -- I & II,” Doris Pfister, Bezirk Schwaben, Peter Fassl -- Augsburg 1993 , website,
a.o. pages: 806, 692, 774, …….
Files (2): TitelBladSchwabenSuch.Deel1, TitelBladSchwabenSuch.Deel2
41. “Infobank Judengasse Frankfurt am Main,” Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, website,
conc. Josef b David z goldenen Schwan:
conc. Moshe b Alexander z Korb:
42. “the James Bennett Collection ,” James (Jim) Bennett, Family trees and Communities, Leo Back Insttute -- Centre for Jewish History, website,
a.o. Family trees of the Goldschmidt-Stadthagen (Hamburg, Cassel, Amsterdam), Goldsmit, Mellrich, Stade, Cohen and related Families,
Van Ronkel Family tree, 1749-1983, 1985
43. “the Patricia Weiner Collection,” Patricia H Weiner, Family Trees, Correspondence etc, Leo Back Insttute -- Centre for Jewish History, website,
44. “Digital Monument Jewish Community in the Netherlands,” Website,
45. “Joods leven binnen de vesting Brielle,” Riet de Leeuw van Weenen-van der Hoek, (ISBN 9789090360591).
46. “Die israelitische Bevölkerung der deutschen Städte,” Moritz Stern, H Fiencke, Kiel -- 1894-96, Vol.III -- Nürnberg im Mittetalter, P80-94 -- P303-310 [Mostel Schaffhausen and Family].
47. “Eleazar alias Leendert Bamberg stamvader van een artiestengeslacht,” Harmen Snel, in “Misjpoge” jaargang 33, quarterly publication, Netherlands Society for Jewish Genealogy (NkvJG), 33 -- 2020 -4, p. 124-134.
NB: also in “Misjpoge”, Volume 34 — 2021 - 2 & 3 a series of articles by Ko Sturkop about the following generations of the “Bamberg-Dynastie”
48. “Jüdische Privatkorrespondenzen des mittleren 16. Jahrhunderts aus dem nordöstlichen Westfalen,” Bernd-Wilhelm Linnemeier / Rosemarie Kosche, Aschkenas -- Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden, De Gruyter 1998, 8 Issue 2, 275-325.
49. “Religionswechsel im sozialen Kontext. Moses Goldschmidt und andere Frankfurter Konvertiten des 17. Jahrhunderts,” Cilli Kasper-Holtkotte, Aschkenas -- Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden, Max Niemeyer verlag 2006 , De Gruyter 2007, 15 Issue 2, 337-369.
50. “The Walich list from Worms,” Jona Schellekens, Aschkenas -- Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden, De Gruyter 2015, 25 Issue 1, 181-204.
51. “Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Juden im ehemaligen Herzogthum Ostfranken -- III,” Epstein, Heinrich, Monatsschrift für die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Graftz, Heinrich, Goethe Universität (website, pdf), 10 (october 1880), p463,
File: BaruchGoldschmidt.1537Scwarzach.inMonatsschrift1880p463
52. “The Jewish Encyclopedia -- cf website,”
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This genealogy is continually in the making.
With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
Use or quotations for commercial purposes not allowed.
© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit
