Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Edel b’ Awrom Drach
abt 1650 - 11 May 1695
Kreinle b’ Todres Oppenheim
abt 1627 - 28 Apr 1707
Sorlen b’ Beer Homburg
abt 1625 - 14 Apr 1693
Sheinchen b’ Samuel Grotwol Haas
abt 1615 - 19 Jan 1650
Hinlen/ Hanna b’ Jakef mi Bruchsal
abt 1575 - 26 Dec 1643
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This genealogy is continually in the making.
With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
Use or quotations for commercial purposes not allowed.
© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit
