NameEzechiël b’ Salomon van Noorden
Birth16 Jan 1815, Rotterdam
OccupationKoopman (1848), Debitant in de Loterij (1849), Koopman (1852)
Birth1816, Amsterdam
Memoacc to Notoriety act in HuwBijl (onlt year mentioned -- registration was failed/forgotten by …..?!)
Marriage20 Nov 1844, s-Gravenhage
Marr Memoact 496 -- HuwBijl in FS images 1859 etc
Notes for Ezechiël b’ Salomon van Noorden
1838 living in Maasluis (acc to Military certificate)
1848 living Amsterdam, Heerengracht 33
1849 living in s-Gravenhage
1852 living Amsterdam, several addresses latest: Jodenbreestraat (BR blz 427)