NameAbraham b’ Levi (van Ploeg) (van Hamburg)
Birthabt 1750, D, Hamburg
Death28 Mar 1798, Rotterdam
Memoelsewhere 14.3.1796 or 4.3.1797 or 1799 (in marr act of his daughter Eva)
BirthJun 1747, s-Gravenhage
Death7 Jan 1826, Rotterdam
Memoage 78y 7m
Marriage13 Dec 1779, Rotterdam
Marr MemoJoden -- license: 26.11.1779
Notes for Abraham b’ Levi (van Ploeg) (van Hamburg)
NB: many different death dates -- ao: 14.3.1796 (acc to homology act with the marriage of is daughter Sara) acc to statement by doodgraver Levi Haagman buried 28.3.1798 (with the marriage act of his son Wolf); acc to statement by doodgraver Isaac Ansel buried 4.3.1797 (with the marriage act of his daughter Eva, while elsewhere in the same act the year of his death is stated as 1799) -- all dates don’t tally with the birth date of his daughter Jaantje 2.10.1800 (acc to the homology attachment with hér marriage act, while to the same marriage act also the statement by doodgraver Levi Haagman is attached with burial date 28.3.1798)