Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameZacharias b’ Eliazar Sluijs (van der Sluis)
Birthabt 1710, Rotterdam
Deathbef 1781, Dordrecht
Birthabt 1710, s-Gravenhage
Deathbef 1741, Dordrecht
Marriage7 May 1737, s-Gravenhage
Birth1722, Dordrecht
Death22 Jun 1781, Rotterdam
Memoage 58
Marriage4 May 1741, Dordrecht
Marr MemoNotice
Notes for Zacharias b’ Eliazar Sluijs (van der Sluis)
25.12.1728 Dordrecht: He is one of the initiators and signatories of a notarial act founding and regulating the jewish community of Dordrecht (together with his uncles Levinus Jacob Sluijs and Hartog Jacob and his cousins Marcus Sluijs and Salomon Sluijs)