NameGrietje b’ Barend Sloves (Salabes Slovis)
Birth1806, s-Gravenhage
Death5 Jan 1846, s-Gravenhage
Memoage 39 act 20
Never married
Notes for Grietje b’ Barend Sloves (Salabes Slovis)
28.9.1833 s-Gravenhage, Deat Act 1392: Jacob Salabes (age 46) and Hartog Salabes (age 36) notify the death of the stillborn son of Grietje Salabes; both are “Oudooms” of the child. The ages of both brothers don’t match with many other acts; they must be 59 and 49!Grietje must be a daughter of their brother Barend; and Hartog must be the same person as Naphtali!