NameSchoontje/ Saartje b’ Hartog (Hartogs)
Birth1771, Zwolle?
Death19 Jan 1847, Utrecht
Memoage 75 -- act nr 112
Birth1775, D, Wittenberg
Memoage 52, at marriage of his son Meijer
Death8 Jun 1830, Groningen
Memoage 54 -- death registered in Zwolle 25.6.1830
OccupationKoopman (1812), Kunstenaar (1827), Arbeider (1830)
Marriage30 Dec 1803, Zwolle
Marr Memo= date of notice (ondertrouw)
Notes for Schoontje/ Saartje b’ Hartog (Hartogs)
in her death act mentioned as ‘the widow of Gerson Goudsmit, recently living in Zwolle, her own surname and the names of her parents as well as her birthplace unknown — deceased in the Zandstraat, at age 75’