Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameMeijer b’ Hermanus Kinsbergen
Birth1785, Amsterdam
Memoacc to Notoriety act in Huwelijksbijlagen; age 27 at marriage, 40 at birth of his daughter Rachel (feb 1821), 49 at marriage of his daughter Klaartje -- in BR 1784
Death5 Dec 1883, Amsterdam
Memoage 99
OccupationMusikant (1812), Mechanist (1812), Gogelaar (1814), Muzikant (1814, 1817), Kunstenaar (1821), Speelman (1823), Mechanikus (1835), Toneelspeler (1851), Mechanist (1852)
Birth1792, Amsterdam
Memoacc to act of Notoriety in HuwelijksBijlagen; age 20 at marriage -- age 32 at birth of daughter Rachel (feb 1821) -- in BR 1794
Death21 Dec 1871, Amsterdam
Memoage 77
OccupationToneelspeler (1851)
MotherRachel b’ Levi van Praag (1751-1829)
Marriage11 Oct 1812, Amsterdam
Marr Memoact Reg 2, 208v; HuwelijksBijlagen in FS image 3102 etc
ChildrenRachel b’ Meijer (Married >) (1814-1900)
 Klaartje b’ Meijer (Married >) (1817-1898)
 Manus b’ Meijer (Died as Infant) (1821-1822)
 Levi b’ Meijer (Married >) (1823-1886)
 Rachel/ Rozijntje b’ Meijer (Died as Child) (1828-1830)
Notes for Meijer b’ Hermanus Kinsbergen
also called Maju
1812, 1814 Living Amsterdam, Korte Houtstraat 19
1858 Living Amsterdam, Koningstraat 25 (with his wife, in the house of their son Levi)
1883 Living Amsterdam, Mauritskade 6
[NB: Notifier of his death is Ruben de Swarte, koopman (27), living in the same house, Mauritskade 6]
Last Modified 30 Nov 2017Created 9 Feb 2025 by JG
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