NameSara b’ Levi Goudeket (Deket)
Birth1793, Rotterdam
Death18 Jan 1835, Rotterdam
Memoage 41
OccupationWerkster (1829)
Birthabt 1790, Rotterdam?
Notes for Sara b’ Levi Goudeket (Deket)
She never married and she is stated with many differing names: “Goudeket” in the Name Assumption act of her father and in the death acts of two of her children, but “Siket”, “Seket” and “Sieket” in the birth acts of her children and “Deket” in her death act!
1816 Living Rotterdam Zevenhuissteeg 539
1820 Living Rotterdam Zevenhuissteeg 432
1823 Living Rotterdam Zevenhuissteeg 597
1829 Living Rotterdam Martelaarsgang Schiedamschendijk 159
1835 Living Rotterdam Schiedamschedijk 220