NameMoses b’ Hijman Knoek
Birth1742, Amsterdam
Memohis age is 77 at the marriage (feb 1820) of his granddaughter Vrouwtje van Norden
Death12 Jan 1821, Amsterdam
Memoage 63 (doesn’t tally with other data and is impossible; cf the age of his daughter)
Birth1745, Amsterdam
Death13 Nov 1819, Amsterdam
Notes for Moses b’ Hijman Knoek
3.12.1811 Amsterdam, NaamsAanneming 6B: “Knoek” by Mozes Hijman; he has 2 daughters: Knendele (39) and Vogeltje (36) [NB: his 4 sons are not mentioned]
1811 living Amsterdam, korte grachtje St. Anthoniesluis 62