Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameSalomon b’ Philip van Beek
Birth19 Mar 1797, Ameide
Memo= 7 days before circumcision
Death22 Mar 1858, Amsterdam
Memoage 58 -- act Reg3, 10
OccupationVleeschhouwersknecht (1832)
Birth19 Feb 1810, Amsterdam
Memoacc to Notoriety act in HuwBijl -- age 22 at marriage
Deathaft 1858, Amsterdam?
Marriage18 Jul 1832, Amsterdam
Marr MemoReg 1, 174v -- Huw Bijl in FS image 1123 etc
ChildrenLion b’ Salomon (1839-)
Notes for Salomon b’ Philip van Beek
[NB: contradicting data about his birth date: #1 - “26.3.1797 Termij (=Ameide)” according to the circumcision Registration of him and his twin brother Isaac; it could be that this Salomon died as an infant and that he (as a second Salomon) was born a year later. #2 - “18.6.1798 Amsterdam” according to the Notoriety Act dd may 1932 in his Marriage Attachments (Huw Bijl Amsterdam) with rather dubious witnesses; in this case his birth place Amsterdam is rather improbable as his younger sister Ester was born a year later in Ameide!. #3 - “1801 Mijdrecht” according to a record dd ca 1855 in the Amsterdam BevolkingsRegister (BR, Register of Population) living with his wife and 4 children in the Nieuwe Kerkstraat, slachter; the records in this BR are very often inaccurate, and it is remarkable that his birthplace is not stated as Amsterdam but as Mijdrecht which may well be a misinterpretation of Ameide. -- The earlier birth data (#1) seem preferential]
1858 living Amsterdam, Uilenburgerstraat 135
Last Modified 6 Apr 2013Created 2 May 2024 by JG
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