NameSchoontje b’ Lazarus van Broek
Birth1761, D, Kreuznach
Memolitterally “Kreitsnagt”
Death8 Oct 1835, Belgium, Zandvliet
Memoage 74 -- act 24 (in FS image 330)
OccupationKoopvrouw (1829)
Birthabt 1760, ?
Memoage 55 as witness in the second marriage act of his daughter Cornelia (january 1819)
Death20 May 1820, Belgium, Zandvliet
Memoage 63 (doesn’t tally with other data!) -- act 18 (in FS image 177)
OccupationSlagter (1815) Koopman (1819) Slagter (1820)
Notes for Schoontje b’ Lazarus van Broek
1829 living in Zandvliet, Belgium. She (age 64) consenting in the marriage of her son Levi Jacobs