Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameBeifuss-Josephus b’ Maier Wallich Walch z Blume (Worms)
Birthabt 1570, D, ?
Memorough estimate
Death1643, D, Worms
Birthabt 1575, D, Worms?
Death1638, D, Worms
Notes for Beifuss-Josephus b’ Maier Wallich Walch z Blume (Worms)
1591 Bonn — naming himself Joseph in several letters [found in a book owned by him], Doctor of Medicine with a degree from the University of Padua
®501592/94 Worms — he buys land near the “Scharfrichterturm” and builds his house “Blume”
1605 Mainz — he is mentioned as practicing phycisian [obviously he is only a few years there and returns to Worms]
1610 Worms — mention on the List of jewish households: in the House “Blume” with his wife Vögele — they have 6 children, named Evchen, Elisabeth, Lazarus, Salomon, Mündle and Rosina — only the last one is married by then, in 1610).
[NB: this summary of facts is taken from an article by Jona Schellekens ®50]