NameBenjamin b’ Philip Philips
Birth22 May 1765, Rinseveen, Veenendaal
Memoaac to BR Zaltbommel 1810 (p 119)
Death6 May 1854, Zaltbommel
Memoage 88 -- akte 35
Occupationhandelaar in tabak
Birth15 Feb 1772, Zaltbommel
Memoacc to BR Zaltbommel 1810 (p 119)
Death14 Aug 1838, Zaltbommel
Memoage 63 -- akte 52
Marriage18 Aug 1794, Zaltbommel
Marr MemoRegionaal Archief Rivierenland [cf DTB, p 22]
Notes for Benjamin b’ Philip Philips
stamvader (progenitor) van de Philips Familie
1810 BR-volkstelling Zaltbommel (p 119/120): he is mentioned with his wife and 8 children (b. between 1794 and 1810 - after that were 4 more children born )
1826 inschrijving “op belijdenis” als lidmaat NH kerk— [conversion] registered as memeber of the NH church, also his spouse and oldest sons — in following years several registrations of his their other children etc.