Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Jonas b’ Samuel Levi Goudsmit (Goldschmidt) segal
1739 - 18 Feb 1817
2 spouses 10 children
Hanna/ Gelle b’ Samson Levi
Samuel b’ Jonas Goudsmit (Levi segal)
Simon b’ Jonas Goudsmit (Levi segal)
NN1 b’ Jonas (Goudsmit) Levi segal
NN2 b’ Jonas (Goudsmit) Levi segal
Jacob b’ Jonas Goudsmit (Levi segal)
Schoontje/ Schona/ Scheine b’ Meijer Frank
Meijer b’ Jonas Goudsmit
Eva b’ Jonas Goudsmit
Mozes b’ Jonas Goudsmit
Eliazar/ Elias b’ Jonas Goudsmit
Rebecca b’ Jonas Goudsmit
Samuel b’ Jonas (Goldschmidt) segal (Levi)
abt 1720 - ?
1 spouse 4 children
Eva b’ Mozes (Mozes)
Jonas b’ Samuel Levi Goudsmit (Goldschmidt) segal
Meijer/ Abraham b’ Samuel (Levi) Bloemhof
Jacob b’ Samuel Levi Groenewoudt
Rebecca b’ Samuel Levi (Goldschmidt)
Eva b’ Mozes (Mozes)
abt 1720 -
1 spouse 4 children
Samuel b’ Jonas (Goldschmidt) segal (Levi)
Jonas b’ Samuel Levi Goudsmit (Goldschmidt) segal
Meijer/ Abraham b’ Samuel (Levi) Bloemhof
Jacob b’ Samuel Levi Groenewoudt
Rebecca b’ Samuel Levi (Goldschmidt)
Jonas b’ Nathan? Goldschmidt Hameln Lemgo segal
abt 1690 -
NN (e’ Jonas Nathan Goldschmidt Lemgo)
abt 1690 -
Nathan b’ Samuel Goldschmidt Hameln Lemgo segal z Wanne z Cameel
abt 1665 - aft 1711
Freidle/ Fraidchen b’ Jonas Bonn?
abt 1660 - aft 1711
Samuel/ Shmuel b’ Isaak Goldschmidt Lemgo Hameln segal
Fraidchen? b’ Mordechai Gomperz Wesel
Jonas/ Ione b’ Moshe Bonn (Rofe)
Zippora b’ NN Hildesheim
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This genealogy is continually in the making.
With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
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© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit