Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Mozes b’ Isaac Goudsmit
27 Dec 1852 - 10 Mar 1855
Isaac b’ Judic Goudsmit
2 Mar 1827 - 13 Feb 1866
1 spouse 9 children
Sipora b’ Elsje Koster (Coster)
Salomon b’ Isaac Goudsmit (Koster)
David b’ Isaac Goudsmit (Koster)
Mozes b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Leendert b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Leentje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Reintje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Elsje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Salomon b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Grietje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Sipora b’ Elsje Koster (Coster)
8 Aug 1826 - 8 Jan 1908
1 spouse 9 children
Isaac b’ Judic Goudsmit
Salomon b’ Isaac Goudsmit (Koster)
David b’ Isaac Goudsmit (Koster)
Mozes b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Leendert b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Leentje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Reintje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Elsje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Salomon b’ Isaac Goudsmit
Grietje b’ Isaac Goudsmit
NN (father)
abt 1800 -
1 spouse 4 children
Judic/ Keetje b’ Levi Goudsmit
Isaac b’ Judic Goudsmit
Saartje b’ Judic Goudsmit
Keetje b’ Judic? Goudsmit
Juda b’ Keetje Goudsmit
Judic/ Keetje b’ Levi Goudsmit
1804 - 19 Jun 1871
2 spouses 8 children
NN (father)
Isaac b’ Judic Goudsmit
Saartje b’ Judic Goudsmit
Keetje b’ Judic? Goudsmit
Juda b’ Keetje Goudsmit
Abraham b’ Barend Sloves (Salabes)
Barend b’ Abraham Sloves ( Selovis)
Heintje b’ Abraham Sloves
Levi b’ Abraham Sloves (Slovis Salabes)
Jetje b’ Abraham Sloves (Salabes)
Levi b’ Mozes Goudsmit (Hamel)
13 Jul 1764 - 6 Feb 1805
Helena/ Jetje b’ Isaac Cohen Leer
1765 - 24 Jun 1842
Mozes b’ Joseph Goudsmit Goldsmit (Hamel)
Anna/ Katto/ Chaich b’ Jacob-Elkan Blits (Bles)
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This genealogy is continually in the making.
With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
Use or quotations for commercial purposes not allowed.
© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit