Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Kaatje b’ Salomon Hartog
29 Sep 1894 - 6 Sep 1944
Salomon b’ Abraham Hartog
15 Dec 1855 - 23 Jan 1930
1 spouse 3 children
Johanna b’ Isaac de Wit
Kaatje b’ Salomon Hartog
Sara b’ Salomon Hartog
Johanna b’ Salomon Hartog
Johanna b’ Isaac de Wit
26 Aug 1867 - 16 Jun 1915
1 spouse 3 children
Salomon b’ Abraham Hartog
Kaatje b’ Salomon Hartog
Sara b’ Salomon Hartog
Johanna b’ Salomon Hartog
Abraham b’ Kivo Hartog
25 Jun 1803 - 1 Jun 1860
1 spouse 7 children
Catharina b’ Salomon Bloemendaal
Hester b’ Abraham Hartog
Johanna b’ Abraham Hartog
Kivo b’ Abraham Hartog
Cornelia b’ Abraham Hartog
Salomon b’ Abraham Hartog
Daniel b’ Abraham Hartog
Mozes b’ Abraham Hartog
Catharina b’ Salomon Bloemendaal
29 May 1819 - 26 Jan 1896
2 spouses 8 children
Abraham b’ Kivo Hartog
Hester b’ Abraham Hartog
Johanna b’ Abraham Hartog
Kivo b’ Abraham Hartog
Cornelia b’ Abraham Hartog
Salomon b’ Abraham Hartog
Daniel b’ Abraham Hartog
Mozes b’ Abraham Hartog
Bernardus b’ Abraham van Leeuwen (van Leeven)
Marcus b’ Bernardus van Leeuwen
Isaac b’ Lazarus de Wit
13 Jul 1816 - 29 Oct 1868
1 spouse 15 children
Sara b’ Abraham Emanuel
Lazarus b’ Isaac de Wit
Abraham b’ Isaac de Wit
Samuel b’ Isaac de Wit
Elisabeth b’ Isaac de Wit
Carolina b’ Isaac de Wit
Godefridus b’ Isaac de Wit
Sadock b’ Isaac de Wit
Maurits b’ Isaac de Wit
Henriette b’ Isaac de Wit
Maria-Anna b’ Isaac de Wit
Simon b’ Isaac de Wit
son of Isaac de Wit
Catharina b’ Isaac de Wit
Cornelia b’ Isaac de Wit
Johanna b’ Isaac de Wit
Sara b’ Abraham Emanuel
12 Apr 1826 - 30 Apr 1886
1 spouse 15 children
Isaac b’ Lazarus de Wit
Lazarus b’ Isaac de Wit
Abraham b’ Isaac de Wit
Samuel b’ Isaac de Wit
Elisabeth b’ Isaac de Wit
Carolina b’ Isaac de Wit
Godefridus b’ Isaac de Wit
Sadock b’ Isaac de Wit
Maurits b’ Isaac de Wit
Henriette b’ Isaac de Wit
Maria-Anna b’ Isaac de Wit
Simon b’ Isaac de Wit
son of Isaac de Wit
Catharina b’ Isaac de Wit
Cornelia b’ Isaac de Wit
Johanna b’ Isaac de Wit
Kivo b’ Levi Hartog
May 1767 - 22 Apr 1827
Hester b’ Daniel Abraham (Daniels)
Jul 1765 - 19 Nov 1841
Salomon b’ Mozes Bloemendaal
7 Jul 1780 - 4 Jun 1845
Johanna/ Jeanne b’ Salomon van Broek
Mar 1791 - 2 Aug 1868
Lazarus b’ Abraham de Wit
abt 1780 - 23 Sep 1844
Elisabeth/ Blieme b’ Isaac van der Wielen
1780 - 25 Feb 1853
Abraham b’ Abraham Emanuel
18 Jul 1793 - 11 Nov 1869
Carolina b’ Mozes Nathan
22 Jul 1801 - 3 May 1872
Levi/ Leib b’ David Hartog
Fronika b’ Abraham Hartog
Mozes b’ Salomon Bloemendaal
Clara b’ Daniël Abrahams
Salomon b’ Lazarus van Broek
Catharina b’ Levy
Abraham b’ Lazarus (de Wit)
Geertrui b’ NN (e’ Abraham b’ Lazarus/ de Wit)
Isaac b’ Mozes van der Wielen
Brijn b’ Isaac (van Osten)
Abraham b’ Emanuel (Emanuel)
Sara b’ Levi (Levi)
Mozes b’ Nathan (Nathan)
Alida b’ Hartog (Hartog)
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With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
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© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit