Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Hennech b’ Leib Gomperz Emmerich
abt 1758 - 26 Sep 1760
Gutche b’ Hennech Halle
abt 1735 - 25 Oct 1799
Margolis b’ Jakef Worms
abt 1710 - 23 Mar 1774
Jakef b’ Leib Worms (Landau) kats
abt 1680 - 11 Apr 1754
Jidche b’ Awrom Mainz
abt 1675 - 22 Sep 1748
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This genealogy is continually in the making.
With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
Use or quotations for commercial purposes not allowed.
© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit
