Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Tree
[Moshe] Elie/ Elias b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Pfau
abt 1545 - 13 Mar 1597
1 spouse 1 child
Sara/ Sore b’ NN (e’ Elie b’ Juspa Ostheim segal)
Dertz/Tirz b’ Elias Ostheim segal z Pfau
Juspa/ Josef b’ Isaac Goldschmidt Aschaffenburg segal mi Ostheim z Pfau
abt 1515 - 16 Dec 1556
1 spouse 5 children
Sorle/ Sara b’ Isaac mi Ostheim
Fromet b’ Juspa/Josef Ostheim segal
Aberle/ Abraham b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Kessel z Hufeisen
[Moshe] Elie/ Elias b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Pfau
[Gerson] Moshe / Mausche b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Pfau
Maier b’ Josef/Juspa Ostheim segal
Sorle/ Sara b’ Isaac mi Ostheim
abt 1515 - 14 Apr 1560
1 spouse 5 children
Juspa/ Josef b’ Isaac Goldschmidt Aschaffenburg segal mi Ostheim z Pfau
Fromet b’ Juspa/Josef Ostheim segal
Aberle/ Abraham b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Kessel z Hufeisen
[Moshe] Elie/ Elias b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Pfau
[Gerson] Moshe / Mausche b’ Josef/ Juspa Ostheim segal z Pfau
Maier b’ Josef/Juspa Ostheim segal
Isaac/ Eisek/ Jizchak b’ Mostel Aschaffenburg Goldschmidt segal z Einhorn
abt 1480 - 21 May 1559
2 spouses 7 children
NN b’ ? (e1’ Isaac Goldschmidt v Aschaffenburg)
Juspa/ Josef b’ Isaac Goldschmidt Aschaffenburg segal mi Ostheim z Pfau
Manes/ Manasse/ Menachim b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Posen
Simon b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
Moyse/ Missis/ Moshe b’ Isaac Petershagen (Aschaffenburg Brackenheim Goldschmidt) segal
Baruch b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
NN, maybe Have (daughter) b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
Blum b’ Josef segal z Kessel z Einhorn
Merdche/ Mordechai b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg segal z Pflug (Goldschmidt)
NN b’ ? (e1’ Isaac Goldschmidt v Aschaffenburg)
abt 1485 - bef 1542
1 spouse 6 children
Isaac/ Eisek/ Jizchak b’ Mostel Aschaffenburg Goldschmidt segal z Einhorn
Juspa/ Josef b’ Isaac Goldschmidt Aschaffenburg segal mi Ostheim z Pfau
Manes/ Manasse/ Menachim b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Posen
Simon b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
Moyse/ Missis/ Moshe b’ Isaac Petershagen (Aschaffenburg Brackenheim Goldschmidt) segal
Baruch b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
NN, maybe Have (daughter) b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
Mostel/ Mosse/ Moshe b’ Josef Schaffhausen Goldschmidt segal mi Nürnberg z goldenen Schwan
bef 1445 - 29 May 1531
NN b’ ? (e1’ Mostel Goldschmidt Schaffhausen)
bef 1445 - bef 1515
Josef b’ NN? mi Schaffhausen (Goldschmidt) segal
NN b’ ? (e’ Josef mi Schaffhausen segal)
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This genealogy is continually in the making.
With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
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© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit