Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameSalomon b’ Abraham Simons (van Noorden) 
Birthabt 1715, Amsterdam?
Deathbef 1792, Nijmegen?
Memohe did not “assist and consent” in the marriage dd 1792 of his daughter Eva
Birth1715, Nijmegen?
Death6 Sep 1810, s-Gravenhage
Memo= 1 day before the date of notification (acc to extract in Huw Bijl of her grandson Hartog (Nephtali) b’ Emanuel Simon van Noorden)
Burial Memocf Death Register nr 822, in FS image 332
Marriage2 Jun 1755, Nijmegen
Notes for Salomon b’ Abraham Simons (van Noorden)
[NB: assumed relation with parents]
also mentioned as Salomon Siemons van Nimwegen or Zelig Peghoiven or Salomon Deijer
[NB: In some genealogies
®3 he is considered the same as Salomon Simon van Norden (b. 1743 Amsterdam d. 26.1.1807 Amsterdam buried Muiderberg) who married 1762 Amsterdam to Telsje Mozes Monk (b. 1740 Amsterdam d. 20.9.1807 Amsterdam buried (as widow of Zalman) in Muiderberg) -- But this is not correct, as he must have been born much earlier. And more so because his hebrew name was Zelig, not Zalman. It might well be that he is a son of Abraham Simon van Norden (b. ca 1690) and thus a brother of the Simon Abraham Simons van Norden who was born in 1714 and was the father of the Salomon (Zalman) above-mentioned (b. 1743). Also a granddaughter (Marianne) of Simon Abraham was married into the
Nijmegen family Frank -- Another option, that he is no family at all, is less probable, because in the early generations of
both families there is the frequent use of the “extra” name “
Simon(s)”, which is
not a patronymic but might be a “tribe name”, i.c. the first name of the farest or best-known Ancestor]