NameRachel b’ Emanuel (Deijer)
Birth1715, Nijmegen?
Death6 Sep 1810, s-Gravenhage
Memo= 1 day before the date of notification (acc to extract in Huw Bijl of her grandson Hartog (Nephtali) b’ Emanuel Simon van Noorden)
Burial Memocf Death Register nr 822, in FS image 332
Birthabt 1715, Amsterdam?
Deathbef 1792, Nijmegen?
Memohe did not “assist and consent” in the marriage dd 1792 of his daughter Eva
Marriage2 Jun 1755, Nijmegen
Notes for Rachel b’ Emanuel (Deijer)
1792 living in Amsterdam, present (and consenting) at the marriage of her daughter Eva [NB: as her husband (= Eva’s father “Salomon Siemons van Nimwegen”) is not present at this marriage it’s likely that he died before 1792]
1810 s-Gravenhage, Death Register, Herfstmaand 7 - Nr 822 - Rachel Emanuel, 95 j. gh - Jode Kerkhof - [ziekten:] val van kragten - Noordeijnde F 106 -- 2 meerd: kind: - [erfgenaamen:] E. Simon
[NB: she died in the house of her son Emanuel (cf)]