Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameJosef b’ Levi Goudsmit Goldschmidt (Hamel) segal
Birth1695, D, Frankfurt
Death28 Feb 1785, Amsterdam
Memo= Burial date -1
Memodeath date: 19 Adar 5545 -- nr 8939 -- oud
MotherFajel b’ Moshe Günzburg (~1650-1706)
Birth1702, Amsterdam
Death7 Aug 1745, Amsterdam
Memo= burial date minus 1
Memoburial date: 10 Av 5505
Marriage23 Aug 1720, Amsterdam
Marr Memodtb 712 p 209
Childrenchild of Joseph (Died as Child) (~1730-1733)
 child of Joseph (Died as Child) (~1730-1738)
 Isaac b’ Joseph (1733-1783)
 Mozes b’ Joseph (1734-1824)
 Bele b’ Joseph (1735-1796)
 Levi b’ Josef (1738-1818)
Notes for Josef b’ Levi Goudsmit Goldschmidt (Hamel) segal
mentioned on his Tomb (nr 8939) as “ Josef H’omel” ®6 -- He is also stated as Joseph ben Juda-Leib Hamel segal or Joseph Leib Goldschmidt Levie-Hamel or Joseph Levi Goldsmit
1720 acc to his marriage record: living Amsterdam, Swanenburgstr, his parents are dead (”ouders doot”) Witness at his marriage is his brother-in-law “Hanli Schutster” [NB: this is the same as Henle/Elchanan b’ Samuel Schuster-Öttingen zur Kanne who was married in 1717 in Frankfurt to Fraidchen b’ Leib Hammel’ — cf]
[NB: acc to “Akevoth“ ®2: Event ‎Dec 1730 Amsterdam, on 28 Kislev 5491 appears before the trustees of the jewish community aluf katsin Joseph ben late khr"r Judaleib Hamel segal z.l. and appoints aluf katsin khr"r Jacob ben katsin pum khr"r Judaleime segal as his emissary to clarify the issues around the house in Frankfurt am Main, which his late father left behind, half of it to him and the other half to his brother khr"r Itsak Hamel segal; and afterwards his brother sold him his part totally and finally and he was paid all that was due to him according to the sales act; and now he [his brother] and some others appeal against this; so now the emissary is authorised and empowered to go to court with this brother and the other appealing persons.]
[NB:acc to Dietz Isaac was the only son of Loeb Isaac Hamel, but it turns out this is not correct -- Josef must have been 16 years old in 1711 at the time of the great Fire of the JudenGasse in Frankfurt, where all houses were destructed as well as the complete bookkeeping of the firm of his brother and his uncles -- cf Dietz]
Last Modified 10 Dec 2021Created 18 Nov 2024 by JG
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