Notes for Mostel/ Mosse/ Moshe b’ Josef Schaffhausen Goldschmidt segal mi Nürnberg z goldenen Schwan
also mentioned as
Mausche or
Moses> 23.03.1461 Nürnberg
®46 — becoming a rightful citizen and paying tax:
“Mosse von Schaffhausen ist burger worden und gibt jerlich 20 gulden werung zu zinss halb Walburgis und halb Michahelis , antretten Walburgis schierst ; retulerunt her Berchtolt Pfinczing und her Antoni Tucher . Actum feria secunda post Gerdrudis anno 61” — his first time entry in the “zweites Judensinz Buch” (Taxbook II) (p.82 - f.27a)
also cf
®27 ®31 —
[Question remains: was it by then that he came from Schaffhausen or was his family allready living in Nürnberg? — cf
> [Probably a brother of Mostel is: Smohel/Shemuel mi Schaffhausen, who obtained the Right of Nürnberg Residence in 1464; he was son-in-law of Meyr Pymans) —
®46 (p.83 - f.28b)]Later Registrations of Mostel/Mosse in the Nürnberg Archives (a.o.):
> Between 1478 and 1486 he is several times mentioned in the Ratsbuch (Council Book) concerning the “Häuteaffaire” in connection with the arrest in 1478 of Salman von Schaffhausen, domiciled in Weissenburg
®46 [who might be an other brother of Mostel]
> 1489, März 14 & 25, on a List
®46 of jewish families and their guests who were present in the Synagogue, in total 75 names
®46 (p.92-94) he is mentioned on place nr [17] as just
“Mostel”— while there are many more mentions concerning his family and his entourage:
[ 5 ] Mair Mostels sun .
[ 8 ] Natan ein gast bei Mostel und ist von Wertheim und zert sein pfennig .
[ 10 ] Schmol des Mostels lermeister .
[ 12 ] Israhel des Mostels enicklein .
[ 17 ] Mostel .
[ 29 ] Isack Jud des Mostels sun lermaister .
[ 30 ] Liepman des Mostels knecht .
[ 33 ] Davit des jungen Mairs knecht .
[ 47 ] Isack ein knab des Mostels sun .
[ 53 ] Isack des Mairs sun ist bei seinem vater — [?]
[ 67 ] Israhel ein burger , ist des Mostels aiden .> 1490, may 17 — [while the situation of the jewish inhabitants of Nürnberg had become more and more restricted and they all were forbidden to work any longer with gold and silver, just one exception was made for Mosse von Schaffhausen and his family: his sons Maier and Jizchak were permitted to
continue their apprenticeship in the Goldsmith trade — cf: Ratsbuch
®46 (p 309 - f.137b): [130]
“Item - den Juden allen ist abgelaynt und sol inen verbotten sein, das sie hinfuro nicht mer gold, sylber oder kurnt scheiden sollen, und welhe Juden sich des wuchers abtun und den meyden wollen, den sol erlaubt sein, hantwerck zu lernen und zu uben, und Mosse von Schaff hausen sunen, die ettliche zeitt uf dem goldsmidhantwerck gelernet haben, ist vergöndt, noch ein viertail jars daruff zu lernen, doch also das sie das, so sie in mittler zeitt machen, hie nicht verkauffen sollen: Hans Tucher, Niclaus Gross der jung. Actum feria secunda rogacionum anno etc. 90” — and in the same year: 1490, sept 28 — Ratsbuch
®46 (p.309 - f.152b):
[133] “item - dem Mostel Juden ist vergönndt, seinen handel in das goldsmid werck treffende, wie er den bissher geubt hatt, lenger zu treyben, ….” > 1498 He is mentioned on place number 1 amongst the 16 representants of the jewish community, being on 31.10.1498 summoned in the Townhall’s Courtroom to receive the King’s order that all jewish families were expelled from the town [quote from “Geschichte der Juden in Nürnberg”
®31 (p.82/83)]: “
Mosse von Schaffhausen, Isaak Staffelsteiner, Schmohel, Salman der Pessin Sohn, die Gebrüder Mosse, Mardochäus und Johel Mair, letzterer mit seinem Weib Tutschlein und seinem Eidam Feufuß (Feufeß), Hirß Mair, Alexander, Mair Firschler, Isaak Mosse, der Schulklopfer Israel, Jakob, des Benedikt Witwe Birlin”
> 1499 the Jewish citizens got, by mercy, several times of postponement to leave the town — the definitive deadline of expulsion was march 10th
Expelled from Nürnberg the Jewish families seem to have split up and dispersed, wandering from town to town.
> 1515 Moshe acquires the “Judenbürgerschaft” in Mainz, together with his (2nd?) wife, his son Isaak and his son-in-law Lasar
®48 (p. 312)
> 1520 (or 1522) he moves to Frankfurt and marries (3rd?) to the widow Beile/Bela b’ Nathan k”ts z goldenen Schwan, acquiring “Stättigkeit” [= his right of Residence] — cf Ele Toldot
®27 - Re.1522/31: in the ‘Rechenbuch’ of Frankfurt he is mentioned
“Moses Goldschmied zahlt Hauszins im goldn Schwan” House:
[the old] “goldener Schwan”
[NB: later after 1581 this House was standing unoccupied, while elsewhere in the Judengasse another house got the name [the new] “goldener Schwan”]
Identifying (some of) his children via data from several sources
®31, ®32, ®46, as well as many from Ele Toldot ®27
Maier/Meir (born abt 1470, d. abt 1495) —
> 1486 Febr 14: he becomes taxpaying citizen
®46 (p.87 - f.34b)
> 1489 on the List of jewish families present in the synagogue
®46 (p.92-94) he is mentioned (on place 5):
“Mair Mostels sun” > 1490 Ratsbuch
®46 (p.309 - f.137b) mentioned as learning goldsmith, son of Mostel.
> 1495 März 12: after his death his brother Ysaac is replacing him as taxpaying citizen — cf TaxbookII
®46 (p.87 - f.34b) >>
Ysaac/ Aizek/ Jizchak (born abt 1480, d. 1559) —
> 1489 on the List of jewish families present in the synagogue
®46 (p.92-94) (on place 47):
“Isack, ein Knab, des Mostels Sun”.
> 1490 Ratsbuch
®46 (p.309 - f.137b) mentioned as learning goldsmith, son of Mostel.
> 1495 he is registered in TaxbookII
®46 (p.87 - f.34b) replacing his
deceased brother Mair.
Later in Frankfurt he is stated as
“Isaak Aschaffenburg z Einhorn” >>
# a daughter
NNa (born abt 1455?) — she was married to Gyhiel [= Jechiel] who was mentioned when he became citizen (26.1.1467) as son-in-law of Mostel — cf Taxbook II
®46 (p.84 - f.31a):
“Gyhiel Jude Mosse von Schaffhausen aiden ist burger worden und git jerlichen 11 gulden statwerung zu zinsse halb Walburgis und halb Michahelis, antretten Walburgis proxime: retulerunt her Mertin Holtschuer und her Berchtolt Pfinczing.
Actum secunda post conversionis Pauli 67.” — They were not on the List of jewish families in the Synagogue dd 1489.
# a daughter
NNb (born abt 1465?) — married to Israel Regenspurg who was registered the first time in 14.2.1486, as brother-in-law of Mair [cf] in Taxbook II
®46 (p.87 - f.34b) — also mentioned on the List of jewish families in the Synagogue dd 1489, on 67th place, as
“Israhel ein burger, ist de Mostels aiden” (= son-in-law of Mostel). He was mentioned again in 1495 cf Taxbook II
®46 (p.87 - f.34b) — but in november 1498 Israel was not in town, while the house he owned was occupied by his father-in-law Mosse.
®31## Israel — a grandson (Enkel) of Mostel — but it is not clear who were his parents.
[NB: he might be the same as the Israel, son-in-law of Johel Mair, cf 1497 Taxbook II-33v].
Other children mentioned in Ele Toldot or elsewhere, but not (yet) found in (the incomplete) Nürnberg sources:#
Josef (b. abt 1470?, d. 1550) — He is
not mentioned in the Nürnberg Councilbooks. — As he has the given (first) name of his grandfather, it may be assumed that he was the
eldest son of Mostel. If so he may have left Nürnberg at young age, long before his family was forced to. The other (less plausible) option might be that he was
younger than his brothers, thus born not earlier than 1485, and being a child he was still too young to be mentioned in the Town books.
In the current stage of genealogical research I’m following the first option.
Josef is mentioned as goldsmith working in
Schwarzach ®48, who in 1542/43, together with his
brother Isaak, living in
Aschaffenburg. They were trying to recover their claims against a citizen of Hanau.
Josef must have been in regular contact with his family, his father and his brother Isaak. And it seems that during some periods he was staying in the region of Frankfurt, where he was mentioned already in 1524 as the father of a converted son in Würzburg
®27, while in the Frankfurt administration of the year 1550 was set down that Isaak Aschaffenburg had become the
“Vormund” (meaning ‘guardian’ or ‘custodian’) for the children of his
brother Josef’ [cf ET
®27] >>
# a daughter
NNc (b. abt 1495?) — she was married to Lasar, who is mentioned as being in 1515 son-in law of Mostel, in Mainz
? Gotta (b. abt 1495?) — she and her husband Itzig b’ NN kats z Korb are only once mentioned in Ele Toldot, namely as being the parents of the ‘Rabbi’ Alexander/Senderlein b’ Itzig k”ts
Goldschmidt z Korb — her parents are unknown, but she might be a daughter of Mostel — which would provide a most plausible explication of how her son Alexander was (in the Frankfurt registers) surnamed
Goldschmidt, although being a cohen, and not a levi.
— [cf his Recordsheet for other and further hypothetical explanations] >>
Shprintz (b. abt 1510?, d. ca 1579) — likely a daughter of Mostel’s
second wife [cf] — she was married to Josef/Jossel b’ David z gldn Schwan [named Goldschmidt]
®27 >>
NB: Quotes concerning 1524 and 1548 [Kracauer II, p288
®32 — mentioned in a summary of trades practised by occupants of the “Judengasse”:] “…..den Goldschmidt Moses (Mosse), der zu grossen Wohlstand gelangt war [Ugb. E56.F1], und der Goldschmidt Joseph, der ein Kunstwerker von Ruf gewesen sein muss, da Kaiser Karl V. selbst beim Rate wegen dessen Aufnahme in die Stättigkeit verwandte [Bürgemeisterbuch vom 6 März 1548]”
[This said Joseph was Moshe’s grandson Juspa b’ Isak Goldschmidt Aschaffenburg mi Ostheim z Pfau (d. 16.12.1556) — cf]Moshe died 29.5.1531 in Frankfurt. On the well-known Cemetery at the Battonstrasse still is his
Tombstone — with the epitaph
®29 ®30:
פה נטמן איש
נאמן ר׳ משה ב״ר
יוסף הלוי ז״ל ׃ הנ
פטר יום ג׳ י״ג סיון
רצ״א תנצב״ה א״ס
Hier ist geborgen ein Mann, verläßlich,
Herr Mosche, Sohn des Herrn Josef Halevi
sein Andenken zum Segen,
verschieden Tag 3, 13. Sivan 291.
Seine Seele sei eingebunden in das Bündel des Lebens.
Amen Sela
[quoting — ®30]
[NB: The exact relations between some of the first Generations are based upon scarce information and are often worked out in just a reasonable assumption — JG]
[NB: abbreviations and other frequently used terms are explained in “source” nr 1 — click on top of this page ®1 — etc]