Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
NameSimon b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
Birthabt 1525, D, Aschaffenburg?
Deathabt 1598, Israel (then Palestina), Jerusalem
Memoacc to ET (changed in extra note)
Notes for Simon b’ Isaac Aschaffenburg (Goldschmidt) segal z Einhorn
House “Einhorn”
1549 first time mentioned as son of Isak [ET; Li]
He had a daughter (NN), mentioned in a Taxlist of 1595 [ET: Be]
1559 He is appointed “Vormund” (guardian custodian) of his half-brother Merdche, the little child of Isak b’ Moshe Aschaffenburg [cf]
1559, 1560 etc concerning the inheritance of his father: many statements and disputes [?] with his brothers Manes and Moshe and his brothers-in-law Moshe z Staden and Moshe z Aschaffenburg
1562 His brother Moyse v Petershagen has written an extensive letter to him and the whole family ®48
1560 He succeeds his father as “Vormund” (guardian custodian) of the children of his brother Josef b’ Isak z Pfau (after the death of Josef’s wife Sorle) [ET]
1574/79 mentioned each year as “Vormund” (guardian tutor) of the children of Samuel z Krone
1588 He publishes in Venice (on a voyage to Palestine) “seinen ‘Devek tov’, einen super Kommentar zu Raschi’s Bibelkommentar” [ET]
Last Modified 6 Mar 2024Created 9 Feb 2025 by JG
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