Parnas — ‘Landsjudenschaftsvorsteher in Heidelberg’ — ‘Court-factor of the Prince of Öttingen’
[in ET he hasn’t an own Record-sheet, though he is mentioned on the Record-sheets of several others — however all the time without any information about his father and mother]
[ET reference to Vf.k 129] — his career and adventures, cf
®39, p.368-390 (Ettlinger, letter dd 21.7.1936)
[ET — Record-sheet of his second spouse Sorche: they married in 1668 — but later their marriage was dissolved — they both married 2nd].
ca 1645 — He moves to Heidelberg where, against the end of the 30-years war, Jews were allowed to settle.
1649 — His young son Leizer dies in Heidelberg and is buried in Worms [cf “Wormser Epitaphenbuch, no. 1029”]
1660 — Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheimer has become a prominent, wealthy and influential resident.
1661 -- His daughter Vogel dies. she was married to Moshe b’ Wolf-Shimon Oppenheimer in Heidelberg, who as widower remarries to her sister Hendlen!
[NB: proof for the relationship of these two daughters is his letter addressed to his “Vetter Samuel und seinen Tochtermann Moyses Oppenheimer” in Wien (= Vienna) — dd 1696, see below]1664-1668 Intense and large-scale transactions with Ischai b’ Gumpricht Oppenheim z Schwert (d. 1688) and Moshe b’ Jizchak Ulf z Armbrust (d. 1775), mostly on the Frankfurter Messe, in all kinds of merchandise, for Count Carl-Ludwig of the Pfalz, his court and army-supply.
1669 — The beginning of a long lasting series of law-suits against him by his former Frankfurther purveyers Ischai and Moshe — and later their heirs, who 15 years later still were trying to cash the claims.
1670 — He is accused of violating the ‘Pest Ordnung 1666’ by buying merchandise from infected areas and falsifying the transaction papers. He avoids the death penalty pleading guilty and in an ‘Urfehde’ taking all the blame solely. as a result all his properties are confiscated, He is branded on his back and expelled forever from Heidelberg. His properties are confiscated and sold to Samuel/Shmuel b’ Wolf-Shimon Oppenheimer
[NB: the later Imperial Court-factor — and also his ‘Vetter’, i.e. his close relative!] After his expulsion from Heidelberg he moves to Öttingen where, in short time, he rises again to a position of prominence and influence as Court-Factor to the Count Albrecht Ernst I, who in 1674 was promoted to ‘Reichsfürst’ (= Prince Elector).
[NB: Seemingly, at that time is living in Nördlingen (Wallerstein, at ca 13 km south of Öttingen) his son-in-law Moises/Mausche Oppenheim, married to his daughter Hendlen — cf]
In several acts Daniel is mentioned as “Münzjude”, commissioned to organize the mintage. Instead of
new silver he bought existing good silver money from many surrounding Counties, melting, mixing and minting it into coins of the new Princedom — this to great pleasure of the Prince who guarantees him residence and protection for 15 years — but to great displeasure of the neighbouring 3 coinages from the ‘Kreise Baiern, Schwaben und Franken’. Their protest in 1674 didn’t have any effect — at first, but in 1681 they started a law-suit requiring the ban of all silver coins great and small from Öttingen. This was based upon the ‘Münzedikt’ of 1680, whereby the coinage of
new mints from Öttingen was already stopped.
ca 1682 — no longer feeling at ease in Öttingen he moves back to Heidelberg, where several years earlier his children allready had gone living. Allthough Daniel-Jechiel had been banned lifelong, the new Pfaltzgraf Karl II did not object his comeback. And in short time again the rich and old Daniel-Jechiel was the most prominent and influential of the jewish community in Heidelberg.
1693 — During the ‘Pfälzische Erbfolgekrieg’ the town was plundered and destructed by the French army. Losing all his properties Daniel-Jechiel was destitute. He moves back to Öttingen, where he still had loans outstanding.
1695 — At last the lingering coinage law-suit procedure is dismissed, but nevertheless the Emperor himself orders legal proceedings against the mint suppliers — and Daniel-Jechiel is arrested. He is imprisoned, rather comfortably, in Schloss Hohen Baldern, where he unexpectedly dies in may 1697 — without a verdict, thus escaping once more from the gallows.
[NB — several interesting data in “Dokumentation zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in Schwaben”
] * 1672 [Föwah, III.18..5c.1 Juden-Schutz; p. 774] “Concept Schutzbrief von Daniel Oppenheim”
* 1690 [Föwah, Varia 89, Fach 19; p 692] “ betr. die beträchtliche Schuldforderung des churpfalzischen Schutzjuden Daniel Oppenheimer zu Heidelberg an das Fürstentum Oettingen über 8000 fl” [.....the substantial claim of 8000 fl….]
[Föwah, III.18.9a-1 p. 806 Personalakten des Daniel Oppenheimer Münzjude zu Öttingen — (1674-1696, mit 186 Blättern and 1696-1711, mit 468 Blättern)] various acts, a.o:
* 1696 “Schreiben des Daniel Oppenheimer an seinen
Vetter Samuel und seinen Tochtermann Moyses Oppenheimer” —
[NB: while imprisoned in Castel Hohen Baldern — 18 km west of Öttingen]
* 1703 “Abrechnung mit Daniel Oppenheimers Erben über ihre, bei der fürstlich oetingischen Rentkammer habende Forderung” [ao betr:…..dd 1691…… ‘Daniel Oppenheimer Jud zu Heidelberg’…..]
* 1706 “Schreiben des Gerson Oppenheimer, churpfalzischer Schutzjude zu Neuburg, das sein verstorbener Vater Daniel Oppenheimer im Jahre 1682 der fürstlich oetingischen Rentkammer 6000 fl geliehen hat, mit der Bedingung, das seine vier noch ledigen Kinder - Gerson und die drei Schwestern Zibora, Margam, und Sara - bei ihr Verheiratung jeweils 1500 fl erhalten sollten, die Gerson für seine Person nun quittiert”
* 1708 “‘Instrumentum’ über die an Daniel Oppenheimer’s Witwe und Erben Schuld”
*) Some aspects of Daniel’s lineage can be deduced with these data from various sources— JG
[NB: other interesting source
®39: an exchange of letters (dd 1936-1939) between Berthold Rosenthal and Fritz/Shlomo Ettlinger. One of their main subjects: who might have been the father of Daniel-Jechiel? The question remained unresolved. — p.470-241 (the letters are in reverse order!)
his children
[insofar known]:
— from his
first marriage:
# Leizer/ Elieser b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. 6.3.1649 Heidelberg, as a boy — buried in Worms — Epidat wrm-0032)
[thus: born ca 1640]
# Vogel b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. 19.1.1661 Heidelberg), married >>
# Hendlen (Rizpa) b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. 5.2.1696 Wien), married [to the widower of her sister Vogel] >>
# ‘der
alte’ Wolf- Simon b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. 20.2.1717 Frankfurt), married >>
# Leib/Löw b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. ? in ?), married >>
— from his
second marriage:
# none
— from his
third marriage:
# Gerson b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheimer Heidelberg (d. aft 1738), married >>
# Zippora b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. 10.7.1727 Frankfurt), married >>
# Maria/ Margam? b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. ?), married to Hayum NN
# Sara/ Sorle b’ Daniel-Jechiel Oppenheim Heidelberg (d. 21.10.1749; cf Mannheimer Memorbuch), married to Seligman Neuburg (d. bef 1749) in Hochstädt.
Further research in due time