Parnas and Shtadlan -- usually called
Elias Gomperz, but also
Elia Emmerich as well as
Elias Cleve — [which might lead to confusion, the more because his first forename Josef can be considered as a ceremonial prepostive]
1661 first obtainign the title “Shtadlan” and succeeding his father in most functions
As banker doing busines al over Europe and beyond. His fortune was over 100000 Taler
“Er hatte sich besonders als geschäftlicher Vertrauensmann (Hoffaktor) des Großen Kurfürsten [Friedrich Wilhelm I] und der kurbrandenburgischen Regierung in Cleve, aber auch als Vorsteher und Wohltäter der Judenschaft der Grafschaft Cleve berühmt gemacht. Die Abschaffung des Leibzolls in der Grafschaft Cleve war ihm zu verdanken”
1661 (may 1st) He receives from the Elector (Kurfurst) a comprehensive Letter of safe-conduct (Schutzbrief) for himself, his children and their decendants.
Kleve was his main dwelling place, but some of his children may have been born somewhere else, as he had houses in several towns, Emmerich, Wesel, Duisburg,.... Amsterdam
1673 (nov 24th) He buys “Geleitsbriefe” in the Berliner Kehila for his sons Kosman and Ruben
children: at least 5 sons and 5 daughters >>