Parnas, Shtadlan —
“Joseph bar Baruch Daniel Shmuel halevi” as his mention in the Memorbuch of Hannover is reading — elsewhere known as
Josef Stuttgart and
Jobst Hammel ......— 1615 living in Stadthagen — buying his house Krumme strasse 242 (now nr 15), also used as synagogue from 1620.
1635 his house burned down in an antisemitic row.
is mentioned by Benedikt Goldschmidt as his “Vetter” [which could mean his cousin as well as his nephew]
1638 moving to
1649 Bullion purveyor:
“……Die Corveyer Münze in Umlauf zu bringen war aber 1649 weniger den stiftischen Juden, sondern dem ‚Juden Jobst aus Hameln‘ (Joseph Goldschmidt) zugedacht. Von Hameln und Hannoversch Münden bezog man auch das benötigte Silber….” [cf: Bernd-Wilhelm Linnemeier
“Die juden in der Fürstabtei und im Fürstbistum Corvey”, p.28]
®541666 moving to Hildesheim
“.......When news arrived about the Messianic pretender Sabbatai Zevi, Joseph Hamel “left his home in Hameln, abandoned his house and lands and all his goodly furniture, and moved to Hildesheim......” [cf the Memoirs of Glikl Hamel
®23] —
”.....gehörte 1668 zu den Begründern der dortigen Beerdigungsbrüderschafft, ursprünglich Anhänger des Sabbathai Zwi”) [Gronemann, S. 16 bzw II 1]
ca 1675 moving to Hannover
> His 9 children are born between ca 1620 and 1645 [here in the order as mentioned by Glikl Hamel, book 2
# Moshe b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. abt 1640) >>
# Abraham b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. ?) >>
# Jente/Miriam-Sara b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. 25.7.1695) >>
# Samuel/ Shmuel b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. 17.1687) >>
# Isak/ Itsek/ Itzig b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. aft 1682) >>
# Esther b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. 31.3.1675) >>
# Levin/ Leib/ Löw b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. 31.8.1676) >>
# Hannah/ Channa b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. 29.5.1661) >>
# Chaim/ Hayum/ Hein b’ Jobst Goldschmidt Hameln sg”l (d. 16.1.1689) >>