Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
Goudsmit & Goldschmidt -- a geneasequel - Person Sheet
Name[Moshe] Benedikt/ Baruch b’ Jehuda-Leib/ Goldschmidt Shtokkert segal mi Kassel
Birthabt 1590, D, ?
Memorough estimate [cf Schellekens]
Deathabt 1643, D, Kassel (Hessen)
Memohe was still alive in 1642
BurialKassel-Bettenhausen (B1019)
OccupationHofbankier (Court Banker)
Birthabt 1590, D, Worms?
Memorough estimate
Death28 Sep 1647, D, Kassel (Hessen)
Memoelsewhere 8.10.1647
BurialKassel-Bettenhausen (B1020)
Notes for [Moshe] Benedikt/ Baruch b’ Jehuda-Leib/ Goldschmidt Shtokkert segal mi Kassel
Shtadlan — “… Moshe Baruch b’ Moshe Jehuda sg”l…” ®37 — often mentioned as “Bendix Stukart”
— [NB: the first of his ‘given names [Moshe] should be considered as a prepostive (ceremonial) title, thus not as his regular/ordinary name given at his birth — JG]
[NB: acc to Dietz
®28 he was born in Frankfurt, but this is questionable. So far no confirmation found that he has ever been living there]
1608/12 Worms: paying “Judenschatzung” ®50
1610 Worms: on the list of jewish households with wife Rosina and daughter Shönge in the house “Engel” ®50
1613 december, Worms: postponed payment of the “Einkaufsgeld” he was due as a ‘foreign Jew’ ®50
1617 Petershagen: he seemingly is the same as one “Benedict”, mentioned in a document, as living there and as “Vetter” of Leser Hirsch, the husband of Rosa Wallich [who was a cousin of Benedict’s wife Rosina]
1618 Witzenhausen: on the list of 6 jewish citizens, paying “Schutzgeld” (protection money) — while most of the others are his possible family members ®35: “Liebman” (seemingly his father), “Schmull Jude” (his uncle?), “Moses Lewen Sohn” (his brother?) …..
1620 Kassel: paying the highest tax — already mentioned as “Hofjude” (Court Agent) to the Landgraves of Hessen
1625 mentioned as the “Vorsteher” of the Jews in Hessen, being the the successor (after a short interim) of the late Samuel Goldschmidt.
1625 Kassel: his signature “Bendix Goltschmit Jud” [found in the archives by Dr Rüdiger Kröger] ®35
1635 in a document [also found by Kröger] Benedict calls Shmuel Stuckert’s son Jobst Goldschimidt von Stadthagen his “Vetter”.
— NB: this Summary of correct facts has for a great part been gathered and published by Jona Schellekens in several articles
®35, ®50 as well as on the Geni website (last updates 2023 januari) — all with referral to many sources.

1642 or 43 — Benedict died in Kassel and was buried at the Bettenhausen Cemetery ®37 — his wife Rosina died in 1647 and was buried next to him [on their Tombstone Epitaphs ®37 not all lines are legible, but well enough to conclude that his father’s name was Jehuda-Leib]

# children >>

[NB: he must have had more children than followed in this genealogy — about his other daughters is only scarce info, not much more than the names “Gelle” or “Channa”]
Last Modified 1 Mar 2024Created 9 Feb 2025 by JG
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With Reservation for typing errors and
for wrong information derived from the many archives and sources.
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© All copyrights (since1990): Juan Goudsmit
